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Home QHSE Safety



UGDC & HSE Record

Everyone who works for or on behalf of UGDC is responsible for health, safety security and the environment (HSE). Effective HSE performance and the health, safety and security of everyone who works for us are crucial to the success of our business.

Our goals are simply stated – no accidents, no harm to people and no damage to the environment.

In addition, prevention of pollution, management of natural recourses for sustainability, and continual improvement are vital components and key to our success.


UGDC 8 Golden Safety Rules


1) Permit to work

The Golden Rule says:
Before conducting work that involves confined space entry, work on energy systems, ground disturbance in locations where buried hazards may exist, or hot work in potentially explosive environments a permit must be obtained that:
•Defines scope of work.
•Identifies hazards and assesses risk.
•Establishes control measures to eliminate or mitigate hazards.
•Links the work to other associated work permits or simultaneous operations.
•Is authorized by the responsible persons(s).
•Communicates above information to all involved in the work.
•Ensures adequate control over the return to normal operations.


2) Ground Disturbance

The Golden Rule says:
Work that involves a man made cut, cavity, trench or depression in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal cannot proceed unless:
•A hazard assessment of the work site is completed by the competent person(s).
•All underground hazards, i.e. pipelines, electric cables, etc; Have been identified, located and if necessary, isolated.

Where persons are to enter an excavation:
•A confined space entry permit must be issued if the entry meets the confined space definition.
•Ground movement must be controlled and collapse prevented by systematically shoring, sloping, benching, etc; as appropriate.
•Ground and environmental conditions are continuously monitored for change


3) Working at Heights

The Golden Rule says:
Working at heights of 2 meters (6 feet) or higher above them ground cannot proceed unless:
•A fixed platform is used with guard or hand rails, verified by a competent person, or...
•Fall arrest equipment is used that is capable of supporting at least a 2275 kg (5000 lbs) static load per person and has:
    •A proper anchor, mounted preferably overhead.
    •Full body harness using double latch self locking snap hooks at each connection.
    •Synthetic fiber lanyard.
    •Shock absorber.
•Fall arrest equipment will limit free fall to 2 meters (6 feet) or less.
•A visual inspection of the fall arrest equipment and system is completed and any equipment that is damaged or has been activated is taken out of service.
•Person(s) are competent to perform the work.


4) Vehicle Safety

The Golden Rule says:
Vehicles will not be operated unless:
•Vehicle is inspected and confirmed to be in safe working order.
•Drivers are trained and certified to operate the class of vehicle.
•Passenger number does not exceed manufacturer’s design specification for the vehicle.
•Seat belts are installed and worn by all occupants.
•Hand-held cell phones and radios are not in use by driver.


5) Energy isolation

The Golden Rule says:
Any isolation of energy systems; mechanical, electrical, process, hydraulic and others, cannot proceed unless:
•The method of isolation and discharge of stored energy are agreed and executed by a competent person(s)
•Any stored energy is discharged
•A system of locks and tags is utilized at isolation point
•A test is conducted to ensure the isolation is effective
•Isolation effectiveness is periodically monitored


6) Confined Space Entry

The Golden Rule says:
Entry into any confined space cannot proceed unless:
•All other options have been ruled out
•Permit is issued with authorization by a responsible person(s)
•Permit is communicated to all affected personnel and Posted, as required
•All persons involved are competent to do the work
•All sources of energy affecting the space have been isolated
•Testing of atmospheres is conducted, verified and repeated as often as defined by the risk assessment
•stand-by person is stationed
•unauthorized entry is prevented


7) Lifting Operations

The Golden Rule says:
Lifts utilizing cranes. Hoists or other mechanical lifting devices will not commence unless:
•an assessment of the lift has been completed and the lift method and equipment has been determined by a competent person(s)
•operators of powered lifting devices are trained and certified for that equipment
•rigging of the load is carried out by a competent person(s)
•lifting devices and equipment have been certified for use within the last 12 months (at a minimum)
•load does not exceed dynamic and/or static capacities of the lifting equipment
•any safety devices installed on lifting equipment are operational
•all lifting devices and equipment have been visually examined before each lift by a competent person(s)


8) Management of Change

The Golden Rule says:
Work arising from temporary and permanent changes to organization, personnel, systems, process, procedures, equipment, products, materials or substances, and laws and regulations cannot proceed unless a Management of Change process is completed. Where applicable to include:
•A risk assessment conducted by all impacted by change
•Development of a work plan that clearly specifies the timescale for the change and any control measures to be implemented regarding:
    •equipment, facilities and process
    •operations, maintenance, inspection procedures
    •training, personnel and communication
•Authorization of the work plan by the responsible person(s) through completion


Contractor Management

Within the oil and gas exploration and production industry, the pattern of use of contractors has changed significantly. Previously the work force was predominately company employees; however there has been a significant increase in the use of contractor staff, with a resulting shift in responsibility and risk from the company to the contractor population.
UGDC aim to:
    •Ensure that the contractor health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance match with UGDC's rules & regulations.
    •The contract requirement should comply with UGDC HSE policy statement to ensure the protection of life, assets and environment.



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1) Contractors

Offer a significant benefit in terms of their specialist skills and equipment in meeting short term requirement.
When brought into a workplace, however, they can introduce additional risks as:
    •A result of the tasks being undertaken, or
    •Their lack of awareness of existing site hazards and safe systems.
Where inappropriate contractors are selected, risks can also arise from:
    •Inadequate competency levels of personnel,
    •Poor specification and/or maintenance of equipment.

2) Benefits of contractor’s management

•It requires coordination, communication & cooperation between all.

•To ensure improving contractor's (HSE) performance and,

•Full compliance with HSE standards and requirements.

3) To improve Contractor HSE performance is by

  •Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities.
  •Control the HSE risks raised during activities.
  •Understanding HSE requirements (policies, standards, procedures, etc.)

4) Contractor Registration

    •UGDC will benefit from the contractor registration is to identify the contractor activities, and whether he had a system of work.
    •Facilitate the relationship between UGDC and their contractor.
    •Get background information about contractors, this initial background will help in getting better selection of contractors.
    •The contractor registration form will be applied for contractor who will provide services and execute his work in UGDCO premises (Cairo office, P/Said, Damietta), and/or contractors who will supply materials and execute tasks/install it in UGDC premises (Cairo office, P/Said, Damietta).

5) Final Contractor Evaluation

   •UGDC will benefit from contractor evaluation at the end of each contract/project.
   •Realistic/clear evaluation of the contractor HSE performance
   •Provide Feedback information about contractor which can be used as reference in the future

6) Contractors process

The main eight-phase contracting process where it is begins with planning and ends in final evaluation and close out. Whilst eight phases are identified they are not rigidly separate nor are always strictly required. The individual phase activities may overlap or coincide depending on the complexity or extent of the scope of work.


Reporting Tools

Reporting tools are developed to ensure full reporting of unsafe or unhealthy conditions and full reporting and recording of unplanned or unexpected events that results in, or have the potential to result in, serious consequences for people, the environment, or property.


1) Safety Conversation (SC)

A SC is performed by a trained employee to coach the performers at any job. This is to insure that they are abiding by QHSE rules and regulations, aware of the risks inherent to their activities and taking all necessary precautions.  Also SC is an opportunity for friendly discussion any regarding deviation and reach a clear mutual agreement on how the performer will correct the deviation and avoids future repetition.

2) Safety Observations (Including Near Miss Reports)

A Safety Observation is considered any act or condition that can produce harm and is reported by any one that observed or found it.  Observation cards are distributed all over company premises in observations boxes to facilitate the recording for everybody.  The reported safety observations are discussed with the concerned Mangers to take the necessary corrective action track if needed. Among the Safety Observations, a Near Miss represents any event that, under slightly different circumstances, could have resulted in accident (harm to people, damage to equipment or property, loss of production, or harm to the environment, spill or release of hydrocarbons or chemicals into the environment).
When reporting Safety Observations, staff will be prompted to specify if the event’s a Near Miss or not. In this latter case a Near Miss Report shall be issued.

3) Manager’s Walkthroughs

A Manager Walkthrough is a tour within the plant premises of managers, seniors, shareholders representatives in Port Said and Damietta facilities. The track record for number of walkthroughs and output observations and recommendations are kept by QHSE department to follow up with concerned departments for actions and tracking.
This KPI is based on the number of Walkthroughs at Company site facilities (Port Said and Damietta and Cairo office) made by Cairo Managers and Shareholders Representatives.

4) Worksite assessment

A worksite assessment checklist is attached to any PTW (Permit to Work) to be filled by mangers, seniors, shareholder representative and UGDC staff in case of observing any non-conformance or required action for improvement to the performed task. The findings are discussed in the site morning team work meeting to determine the required actions.    

“A lesson is not learned until you use it to do things differently in the future”
Performance and safety can both be improved by incorporating the knowledge and experience of other into projects, programs, and operations. To communicate acquired knowledge most effectively, lessons learned should to be prepared and distributed whenever there is an opportunity to share a valuable new work practice or warn others of an adverse practice, experience or product. This will ensure that all beneficial information is factored into all planning, work processes, and activities.

Safety Initiative

On October 17th & 18th 2012 QHSE Launching Injury Free Program. Injury free environment is a commitment, between (staff & contractors) as individuals and also as a group, to create an environment absent of injury.
Injury-free Environment - Focus Areas:

1-Road Safety
    •Vehicle monitoring
    •Systems (VDO)
    •Safe journey management
    •Driver behavior(R&R) program

2-Work Site Assignment COW
    •Permit to work
    •Working at heights
    •Energy isolation
    •Confined space entry
    •Lifting operations
    •Management of change
    •Vehicle safety
    •Ground disturbance

3-Contractor HSE Management
    •Pre-evaluation of contractor Companies
    •Focused Contractor
    •HSE action Plans
    •Building partnerships and building a safety culture

4-Asset Integrity / Process Safety Management
    •Design Integrity
    •Technical Integrity
    •Operating Integrity

5-QHSE Competency Assurance Passport

Safety Awards

Our Safety Commitment and standards meets world class safety performance and recognized not only among local industry but also internationally. Gas Processors Association (GPA) is incorporated nonprofit association made up of 115 members worldwide all of whom are engaged in the processing of natural gas.GPA recognize member companies with industry and safety award for their outstanding midstream. UGDC is actively participation in GPA "Gas Processors Association” award program for non- USA companies, for safety since 2006.Since then UGDC is awarded GPA Perfect Record award till the year 2012 in addition to Second Place: Division I Safety Award in 2008 and 2010 , UGDC is also awarded First Place: Division I GPA for the years 2007 , 2009 and 2012.
UGDC also succeeded in achieving twelve and half million operating safe man-hours without a lost time incident till first week of April 2013.



 GPA Chart_V1


GPA: 2012
     •First Place Division 1 (lowest total cases incidence rates)
    •Perfect Record (no lost time accidents) (12,000,000 work hours)
GPA: 2011
     •Perfect Record (no lost time accidents) (10,000,000 work hours)
GPA: 2010
     •Perfect Record (no lost time accidents) (8,500,000 work hours)
    •Second Place Division 1 (lowest total cases incidence rates)
GPA: 2009
     •Perfect Record (no lost time accidents) (7,000,000 work hours)
    •First Place Division 1 (lowest total cases incidence rates)
GPA: 2008
      •Second Place Division 1 (lowest total cases incidence rates)
     •Perfect Record (no lost time accidents) (5,500,000 work hours)
GPA: 2007
     •Perfect Record Award Division 1(more than 500,000 work hours)
    •First Place Division 1(lowest total cases incidence rates)
GPA: 2006
     •Perfect Record Award Division 1(more than 500,000 work hours)

United Gas Derivatives Company policy represented in getting HSE right is a crucial area of UGDC business and risk management. Good performance in the areas of health, safety and...
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• Cultural: The company has contributed in the support of the Child Library at the...